About Us

Beliefs about Teaching & Learning

Safe and supportive learning environment

1. Effective teachers believe student wellbeing and engagement are essential to student achievement.
2. We believe that children learn best in an environment that is safe, predictable and caters for individual differences.
3. Effective teachers believe in inclusion and value student diversity.


1. Effective teachers believe they share the responsibility for student success with schools, families and the broader community.
2. We believe that we work in partnership and communication with families to support inclusiveness in the community.


1. We believe that everyone in the school is a lifelong learner, continually developing the knowledge and skills to be effective members of society.
2. We believe that the role of teachers is to foster inquisitiveness and lifelong learning.


1. We believe in the need for clear, explicit teaching with regular feedback, repetition, differentiation and intervention.
2. Effective teachers believe they have the responsibility to evaluate the impact of their practice and seek to improve.
3. We believe that we are responsible for providing learning opportunities that actively engage every student in high quality teaching and learning that include opportunities for problem solving, collaboration and hands-on experiences.

Cultural Responsiveness

1. We believe that learning is most effective when cultural and linguistic diversity is valued and celebrated.
2. Effective teachers believe in equity and reconciliation.

Together we can achieve high outcomes

1. We believe that every child wants to learn and can learn when presented with time and sufficient opportunities to practice.
2. We believe that together we can achieve high outcomes in learning for every child.

School Values


Padbury Primary School strives to develop a community which encourages personal, social and environmental responsibilities.

The school is committed to providing a supportive environment that challenges students to achieve personal excellence in all endeavours, and to be active citizens of the local and global community.


  • To educate and equip children to take their place in society as confident and responsible citizens;
  • To guide, support and encourage each child to achieve at their optimum level at all times;
  • To encourage children to develop pride in their achievements and the achievements of others; and
  • To foster and nurture positive and supportive partnerships with the school community to best meet the needs of the students.

Learning Beliefs and Values

At Padbury Primary School we believe:

  • All children can learn;
  • Learning is developmental, occurring in different ways, at varying rates;
  • Literacy is embedded across all learning areas;
  • Learning begins with what students know and scaffolds to new learning;
  • Learning should be current, relevant, meaningful and enjoyable;
  • Learning is enhanced when there are effective whole school approaches and strategies in place; and
  • Learning is enhanced when a successful partnership exists between home and school.

Code of Conduct

LEARN: Every child has the right to learn and must respect the rights of others to learn.
RESPECT: Every child will respect and care for all students, adults and property.
BE SAFE: Every child will behave and play safely in the correct areas.

Strategic Plan

Annual report

OSH Before and After School Care

Wonderland is a registered Not-for-Profit and Charity organisation, unwavering in our mission to provide the best possible care for our children by encompassing a ‘family’ environment with an educationally based program, tailor-made to the needs and interests of each and every child, run by passionate and dedicated educators.
Founded in 2008, Wonderland has the strength of a long standing service in our community with the flexibility and feel of being a part of the family. With an unequalled hands-on approach to leadership, our children play and learn alongside every member of the management team