Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

During your time at Padbury Primary School, your children may be involved in the following activities, supplemented with support from home.


At Padbury Primary School, music education is a vibrant and integral part of our curriculum. Under the expert guidance of a Specialist Music Teacher, students from Years 1 to 6 engage in weekly music lessons inspired by the Orff-Schulwerk and Kodaly methods. These lessons incorporate the use of solfege to teach music notation, encouraging students to explore, imitate, and improvise. Through this dynamic approach, students develop a deep understanding of various music concepts, all while experiencing the joy of singing and playing instruments.

We enrich our music program with exciting incursions featuring renowned artists such as Kaboom Percussion and Akwaaba African Drumming, providing our students with diverse and inspiring musical experiences.

In addition to our comprehensive classroom music program, we offer specialized classical guitar lessons to Year 5 and 6 students who demonstrate a high level of musical aptitude. These lessons, conducted over two years, are part of the Instrumental Music School Services Programme.

Our Padbury Primary School Choir is open to all students from Years 3 to 6. The choir performs regularly at school assemblies and proudly represents our school at community events, including the prestigious One Big Voice concert at the RAC Arena.

Come hear the joyous sounds of our students making music at Padbury Primary School!


Padbury Primary School provides Year 3-5 the opportunity to be a part of the school choir. The choir perform at assemblies and special events.

The special instrumental program (conducted via The School of Instrumental Music), which operates in conjunction with our general program, is only offered to students who demonstrate high musical aptitude. The testing is conducted annually and is aimed to discover aptitude to instrumental instruction.

Guitar is offered to Year 5 and 6 students.


1. School timetables will not be altered for music students. Lessons are in school time and students involved in lessons are going to miss classroom time. Students are responsible to catch up on work missed.

2. Practice – Students will need to practice at home regularly.

3. Students are not to withdraw from the programme.


At Padbury Primary School, Art is central to the curriculum, taught by a specialist teacher following SCSA guidelines.

Inspired by the school’s natural environment, students explore diverse artistic styles and materials, integrating elements from the Australian bushland into their creations. They study renowned artists like Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet, and indigenous Australian artists, fostering a deep understanding of artistic techniques and cultural appreciation.

Students participate in competitions like the Shaun Tan Art Award and engage with the community through volunteer involvement and collaborative projects. During the school’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, student artwork was showcased, with each piece auctioned to community members, promoting inclusivity and community engagement.

Art serves as a powerful medium for expression and connection, encouraging students to express emotions and develop a sense of belonging. Through the art program, Padbury Primary School nurtures the talents and passions of its students, fostering creativity and community connections.

Physical Education


There are 3 Factions –  Mawson (Red), Giles (Blue) and Forrest (Green). Students from family groups will be placed in the same house. Teachers from different year levels are assigned to a faction. Rewards points earned in class for good behaviour are tallied each term and the winning faction  gets rewarded, eg with a sausage sizzle.

Cross Country Running/ Running Club

Each year students are selected to compete in the Interschool Cross Country event. Traditionally held at MacDonalds Reserve in Term 2.

During Terms 2 and 3, students and parents are invited to train as part of the Running Club. Running Club is held before school twice a week and is a fun way for everyone to stay fit with friends and family.

Faction Athletics Carnival

During term 3 the Athletics House Carnival is held on the school oval. It involves all students from Pre-primary to Year 6.  Students from years 1 to 6 may be selected to compete in the Interschool Athletics Carnival.

Interm Swimming Lessons

Students from Pre-primary to Year 6 participate in ten, 45 minute swimming lessons organised and run by trained swimming teachers at a local aquatic centre during school hours. Tuition is free but parents are required to pay for transport and pool entry.

Languages Other Than English

Japanese Language Program at Padbury Primary School

At Padbury Primary School, we are proud to offer a comprehensive Japanese language program for our students. Under the instruction of a dedicated Japanese Language Specialist, students from Years 1 to 6 participate in weekly Japanese lessons designed to foster linguistic skills and cultural understanding.

Our program emphasizes interactive and immersive learning experiences. Students engage in speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities that make learning Japanese both fun and effective. Cultural components are integrated throughout the curriculum, providing students with a rich appreciation of Japan’s traditions, customs, and contemporary life.

Highlights of our Japanese program include:

  • Interactive Lessons: Using games, songs, and hands-on activities to make learning enjoyable and effective.
  • Cultural Experiences: Celebrating traditional Japanese festivals, exploring Japanese arts and crafts, and tasting Japanese cuisine.
  • Language Proficiency: Developing communication skills in Japanese, enabling students to express themselves confidently.

By learning Japanese at Padbury Primary School, students gain valuable skills that extend beyond language proficiency, including cultural awareness, global citizenship, and cognitive development. Our goal is to inspire a lifelong love of languages and to prepare our students for a diverse and interconnected world.

Students at Educational Risk

The Department of Education & Training provides for students at educational risk (SAER). Students considered to be having difficulty are referred to the School Psychologist for assessment.

After consultation with parents, the School Psychologist, in conjunction with the teacher, recommends the most desirable course of action for the student.

Students at Educational Risk may be either low or high achievers have an ‘Individual Education Plan (IEP)’ which outlines the educational outcomes expected to be achieved each term.

Gifted and Talented Programme – (PEAC)

The Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program provides enrichment and extension activities for exceptionally able children in Years 5 and 6. All Year 4 students are assessed in Terms 2 or 3 by a school psychologist.

Parents have the option to notify the Principal if they prefer their child not to be assessed. Students who are identified in the 98th percentile and above are eligible to nominate for a PEAC course.

There are three rounds of PEAC courses run each year and students are given the opportunity to nominate their preferences from approximately 20 courses.

Assemblies – Class and In-House

Generally class and/or In-House assemblies are held every second Thursday commencing at 9.00am.  Duration is approximately 35 minutes.  Each class hosts one assembly per year. The Term Planner and the Newsletter, advises in advance who will be conducting the week’s assembly.

Excursions / Incursions

Students are provided with the opportunity to participate in activities in and outside the school to supplement and support class and school programmes.  Parents will be advised and permission sought on any occasion that students leave the school grounds.